Thursday, January 15, 2009

My apologies...

My apologies... I started again to develop iBirthDay, but the problem is:
"Apple has instituted a strong “one-application-at-a-time” policy.That means as a thirdparty developer you cannot develop applications that run in the background"

I'm looking for how bypass this limit... :(


Anonymous said...

Hi Chiafa, I have the ipod touch v 1.1.1 where I can download the version of iBirthday that run in my ipod.

Best regards AVV

chiafa said...

iBirthDay for 1.1.1 is not longer available! I have lost it in a recent hard disk crash :(

roc said...

Hi Chiafa,
is there anyway I can contribute to the project ?
Let me know, thanks

chiafa said...

Hi Roc,
yes you can! Are you developer? Do you know how to launch an app like a daemon in new firmware 2.x?

roc said...

No, sorry, I am not a developer, I am just offering my thoughts. What about not launch the app with a daemon but with a message generate from the calendar app ?
Probably I just wrote something stupid !!
Sorry and keep up with the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hi chiafa!!
I just want to say that we really appreciate your effort to offer a cool aplication as ibirthday is.

By the moment i'm not working so i can't support your work with money but i think i can start recognizing your labor.

Thank you very much!! =D

PS. I don't speak english so well but I hope you understand the core meaning of my message =)

chiafa said...

@Anonymus, you speak english better than me :)
I do not develop iBirthDay for money but for fun... in any case thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Se il problema è apple che non permette
Di pubblicare app che camminano in background
Allora perchè non la rilasci tramite cydia?
Puoi rilasciarla anche a pagamento!
Spero che la tua app faccia presto la sua

Anonymous said...

Hi Chiafa,

First of all I love your program ibirthday, and I miss that program for 6 months now with iphone 3g. I always keep my eye on your blog about this program. And I wanted to thank you for your hard work.
I have an idea about your program. You can make it into a widget that runs in winterboard, just like the weather widgets or even like the livetime widget. I think that will be either for you and much simpler. Birthday theme that will show either below the status bar or above the dock, the persons birhtday name and age like "John Smith's Birhday (35 years old)". If there is already themes for clock and weather that already pulls information from phone system, I am pretty sure it can be done by pullling out info from the calendar database. And sorry for the long post, but I LOVE YOUR PROGRAM and you are the only talented programer that has created it so far.

Thank you

chiafa said...

@anonymus, your idea is a great idea... but the problem is: I have not idea how to realize it!!! I'm not so talented programmer!! :(:(:(
But i'm studying :)

KKS Loza said...

Hi chiafa. I just want you to know that in Mexico are someone who is waiting for your excellent app too. Keep up the good work, Im sure you will nail the solution.

Anonymous said...

Hallo Chiafa,

i also think that your application is a great one adding missing functionality to the Iphone/Ipod touch. I have never used it, as i have started to use the iphone with the firmware 2.2, but i have been missing this functionality from the start. I have read a lot about your application and there has been only positive feedback so far :). Maybe you should take a look into this forum: Maybe you can find help there for your problem running applications in the background on firmware >= 2.0. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Dear Chiafa

I am pleased to buy your app since it is the best..

Please do your best as you could and we are suporting you..

chiafa said...

I don't want money :)
I do it only for fun...

Thanks in any case...

Anonymous said...

Im just curious if you know anything about an error i receive? i added the source and go to install it says "unable to decode package. Any idea why or what i can do to fix? Thanks!!!

Mr. Pupo said...

Chiafa, how about runing it with backgrounder app? if there is a way to download the app, that works in 2.2 fw, although not work as a daemon, please let me now. thanks for your work!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chiafa, I add in the resource in Installer 4 and I can see the categories and there is iBirthday v2.1.2 in the list but it seems like not able to load... Is the server down now?
Really are looking forward to this wonderful utilities. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Abbiamo bisogno di questa utility sul FW 2.2!!
perché non chiedi aiuto ai ragazzi di ispazio? sono sicuro che sono in grado di aiutarti!

Miraccomendo non abbandore il progetto! saluti alberto

Unknown said...

Now I want to install iBirthday on my iPodTouch 2G.

sw version
installer 4.1.2
iTouch fw is 2.2.1.

Add new source in installer, and find iBirthday.
but I can't installed iBirthday.
Unable to decode package more into at
How can I installed iBirthday ?


Anonymous said...

iBirthday is out.
Now QuickBirthay is Fantastic.

Ragazzi scordatevi iBirthday, è uscita una nuova applicazione su Cydia, si chiama QuickBirthday è funziona alla grande!
purtroppo è a pagamento, ma esiste già una versione craccata nel web, se volete vi mando anche un link!!

Anonymous said...

QuickBirthday is not even close of what iBirthdayd can do.

Anonymous said...

Is there a solution yet? or is there an alternative?

Anonymous said...

Did you already check if there is now - with OS 3.0 and the Push-Function - a new way of "updating" your App?